Chapter Five


What stands out most clearly is that a definite trend from the East to the West can be discerned for the diffusion of puppets, especially shadow plays, during our era. But we are sadly lacking any detailed descriptions of puppets, puppet shows and their plays in the ancient days, whether in old documents, literature or art. India especially maintained their traditions and literature only by oral transmission since very ancient times. Only those arts supported by the courts and kings merited any mention; puppetry being a folk art, was seldom recorded until the start of the Christian era.

We may be forced to admit that shadow plays were prevalent in the East, at least by 200 BC – probably originating in India – then the later appearance of rod and glove puppets in our era AD followed out of this puppetry form. Marionettes likely developed from automata and primitive puppet displays, which in turn seem to have been a separate development that originated in ancient Egypt, from rituals and ceremonies performed using string-operated figurines.

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  • K., Donna & Grosvenor, Gilbert M. “Bali by the Back Roads” in The National Geographic, vol. 136, no.5, Nov. 1969: pp.656-697.
  • Kahle, Paul. “Islamische Schattenspielfiguren aus Egypten” in Der Islam, vol. 1, 1910: pp. 264-299.
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  • Krisnamurthy, Hanur, ed. “Puppetry”, in Encyclopaedia of the Folk Culture of Karnataka, 1991: pp. 383-405.
  • Landau, J. M. “Shadow Plays in the Near East,” in Edoth, vol. III, nos. 1-2., 1947, 1948.
  • Lee, Desmond. Plato: The Republic. Second Edition, 1976.
  • Leibrecht, Philipp. “Gesichtpunkte zu einer Geschichte des Puppenspiels” in Das Literarische Echo, October 1920 – October 1921: pp. 1211-1214.
  • Lloyd, Alan B. Herodotus. Book Il, Commentary 1-98, 1976.
  • Lord, Isabel Ely, ed. The Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1660-1669, n.d.
  • Maindron, Ernest. Marionnettes et Guignols, 1900.
  • Mair, Victor H. Painting and Performance, 1988, 1996 paperback edition.
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  • Mansouri, S. M. Ei. Art-Culture of India & Egypt, 1959.
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  • Meinhard, H. “The Javanese Wayang and its Indian Prototype” in Man, July 1939, vol. 39, Summary 94: pp. 109-111.
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  • Morab, S. G, The Killekyatha: Nomadic Folk Artists of Northern Mysore, 1977.
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  • Oppeheimer, Stephen. Eden in the East: The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia, 1998.
  • Pani, Jiwan. Ravana Chhaya, n.d.
  • Pischel, Richard. The Home of the Puppet Play, 1902, not seen. See Ridgeway, p. 159.
  • Pring, J. T., compiler. The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Greek, 1989.
  • Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford. The History of Java, vol. I, second edition, 1830.
  • Raghavan, V. “Picture Showmen: Mankha” in The Indian Historical Quarterly, vol. 12, 1936, p.524.
  • Rassers, W. H. “On the Origin of the Javanese Theatre” (1931) in Panji, the Culture Hero, 1982: pp.93-215.
  • Reiniger, Lotte Shadow Theatres and Shadow Films, 1970.
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  • Ridgeway, William. Dramas and Dramatic Dances of Non-European Races, 1915.
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  • Rolfe, John C., trans The Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius. Vol. III, 1968.
  • Sadwelkar, Baburao. “Chitrakathi Tradition of Pinguli”, in The Performing Arts, Marg, 1982.
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  • Schlegel, Gustave. Review of Stewart Culin, “Korean Games with notes on the corresponding games of China and Japan” (University of Pennysylvania, 1895) in T’oung Pao, VII, 1896: pp. 99-100.
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  • Schrieder, Frank. “Indonesia: The Young and Troubled Island Nation” in The National Geographic, vol. 119, no. 5, May 1961: pp.579-627.
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  • Sen, Amulyachandra. Asoka’s Edicts, 1956.
  • Sheppard, D. H. M. “The Khmer Shadow Play and its Links with Ancient India” in Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society vol. 41, pt. 1., 1968: pp. 199-204.
  • Shih, Chung-Wen. The Golden Age of Chinese Drama: Yuan Tsa-chu, 1976.
  • Simmen, Rene The World of Puppets. 1972.
  • Sorensen, Niels Roed. “Tolu Bommalu Kattu: Shadow Theatre Re: Andhra Pradesh” in Journal of South Asian Literature, vol. X, 1975: pp. 1-19.
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  • Speaight, George. “Puppetry” in The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 26, 1995: pp. 450-457.
  • Stache-Rosen, Valentina. “On the Shadow Theatre in India” in German Scholars On India, 1976: pp. 276-285.
  • Stalberg, Roberta Helmer. China’s Puppets, 1984.
  • Stern, C. H. Not seen. See Batchelder, note on p. xiv.
  • Sweeney, Amin. Malay Shadow Puppets, 1972.
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  • Thurston, Edgar. Castes and Tribes of Southern India, vol. III-K, 1909.
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  • van Boehn, Max. Dolls and Puppets. Trans. Josephine Nicoll, 1932.
  • Warmoes, Vasiliki Antonakis. Karaghiozi Shadow Theater. Montreal: unpublished Master of Arts thesis, Concordia University, 1989.
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  • Winans, Samuel Ross, ed. Xenophon Symposium, 1881.
  • Woodcock, George. The Greeks in India, 1966.
  • Yousof, Ghulam-Sarwar. Dictionary of Traditional South-East Asian Theatre, 1994.


(refer to Bibliography above for fuller details of the sources)

Chapter One:

  • Dancing Dwarfs – Picture source:
  • String operated figure – Picture source:
  • Articulated Indian figurine – Picture source: Gupta, S. P. “The Roots of Indian Art”
  • Roman comic character – Picture source: Maindron, Ernest. “Marionnettes et Guignols”
  • Ancient Greek doll of clay/terracotta – Picture source: Unknown, obsolete web page
  • Modern-day opera dei pupi – Picture source: Simmen, Rene. “The World of Puppets”

Chapter Two:

  • A modern tholubomalatta show, in Andhra Pradesh – Picture source: Unknown local library book
  • A Wayang Beber Performance, 1900 – Picture source: Mair, Victor H. “Painting and Performance”
  • Shadow of a Wayang Kulit Puppet – Picture source: Ulbricht, H. “Wayang Purwa, Shadows of the Past”
  • Wayang Kulit Performance in Java – Picture source: Jane Turner, ed. “The Dictionary of Art,” Volume 15, Indonesia VI, Theatre, by Ward Keeler, 1996
  • Javanese Wayang Kulit in action – Pictures source: Schrieder, Frank. “Indonesia: The Young and Troubled Island Nation” in The National Geographic
  • Wayang Klitik Puppets & A Wayang Golek Puppet – Pictures source: Simmen, Rene. “The World of Puppets”

Chapter Three:

  • Chinese Rod Puppets – Picture source: Joseph, Helen Haiman. “A Book of Marionettes”
  • A Balinese Shadow Figure – Picture source: Ulbricht, H. “Wayang Purwa, Shadows of the Past”
  • Two examples of a narrator in puppet shows – Picture source (left): Early, Alice K. “English Dolls, Effigies, and Puppets”, and Picture source (right): van Boehn, Max. “Dolls and Puppets”

Chapter Four:

  • King Solomon on his throne observing the “show” – Picture source: Heinsius, Maria. “Der Paradiesgarten der Harrad van Landsberg.”
  • This picture is often thought to depict only a children’s toy or game – Picture source: Simmen, Rene. “The World of Puppets”
  • “From India, chess made its way to Persia…” – Picture source: Grunfeld, Frederic V., ed. “Games of the World”
  • “Mediaeval Egyptian shadow puppets [were] discovered in Menzala by Professor Kahle early this century.” (See pictures.) – Picture source: Kahle, Paul. “Islamische Schattenspielfiguren aus Egypten” in Der Islam, vol. 1
  • …identical to those used centuries later by English Punch and Judy showmen (see pictures) – Picture source (top): Time-Life Books: “What Life was Like in the Age of Chivalry”, 1997, Picture source (bottom): Early, Alice K.”English Dolls, Effigies, and Puppets.”